What up fam? So yeah I’m at it again. Started a new water fast regiment. The healing benefits and the boost of mental clarity I receive in a fasted state are phenomenal. I’m going to run this one for 21 days at least and see how I’m feeling then if I want to continue.
A lot of people ask me how do I do it. Well the big thing for me is meditation and visualization. I remember when I first started my health journey in year 2019.

I had gotten so disgusted with myself, I would just sit and visualize how I wanted to look physically and how I wanted to feel energetically. I just keep holding on to that vision and that helps me a great deal to complete my workouts, fasts and other goals I set.
Now it aint all roses but the key is to keep pushing! This is how I’m looking currently but I’ve got more body sculpting to do so I’m not done.

Questions? Hit the comments below & I will do my best to answer you.
Stay healthy fam! 💞💞💞💞
Peace & Unconditional Love #1Love1Life